week 11



<step 1 >


<step 2>

How to get values from 36 to 96
1) 0 (minVar)m -> 36
mm x mmmmm-> ( x * 60/1023 ) + 36
m1023(maxVar)-> 96
2) ( x mod 60 ) + 36
dim potVar as integer
dim noteVar as integer

Sub main()
call delay(0.5) ' start program with a half-second delay

potVar = getADC(13)
noteVar = ( potVar mod 60 ) + 36
debug.print "noteVar = " ; cstr(noteVar)

end sub

dim potVar as integer
dim noteVar as byte

Sub main()
call delay(0.5) ' start program with a half-second delay

potVar = getADC(13)
noteVar = cByte( potVar mod 60 ) + 36
debug.print "noteVar = " ; cstr(noteVar)

end sub


<step 3>

dim inputBuffer(1 To 13) As Byte
dim outputBuffer(1 To 10) As Byte
dim midiCmd as byte
dim velocity as byte

Sub main()
call delay(0.5) ' start program with a half-second delay

dim noteVar as byte

' set up serial buffers:
call openQueue(inputBuffer, 13)
call openQueue(outputBuffer, 10)

' open serial port on COM1:
call openCom(1, 9600, inputBuffer, outputBuffer)

' set baud rate to 30,270:
' this syntax makes the bx fix the UART baud rate to 30,270 from 9600
' so number 14 is specific number for changing number
register.ubrr = 14

' instead of this syntax I can use the syntax that
' call openCom(1, 30270, inputBuffer, outputBuffer)

' get a note range from 36 to 96
' using a 10K variable resistor as input on pin 13:

noteVar = cByte((getADC(13) mod 60) + 36)
debug.print "noteVar = " ; cstr(noteVar)
' when I want to see noteVar on the midi, I should delete this line,
'because midi also use a same port, COM1, like basic x

' sent a noteon message, channel 1, velocity 64:
midiCmd = 144
velocity = 64
call putQueue(OutputBuffer, midiCmd, 1)
call putQueue(OutputBuffer, noteVar, 1)
call putQueue(OutputBuffer, velocity, 1)
call delay(0.5)

' noteon to the same note, velocity 0
' (essentially noteoff):
midiCmd = 144
velocity = 0
call putQueue(OutputBuffer, midiCmd, 1)
call putQueue(OutputBuffer, noteVar, 1)
call putQueue(OutputBuffer, velocity, 1)
call delay(0.5)

end sub

<step 4 >

midi patch for test


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