Final Project

Virtual Fish

Cowork with Jeong Han Kim (SVA student)


Proposal for the Collection of a Museum

Target organization and audience : general audience of museum

Rationale : The <Virtual Flesh> is a installation providing audiences with interactivity. A user or audience can eat the virtual fish with a fork and knife. and in real time each motion results on the image on the plate. This works proposes the different communication with a art work as an audience. The Audience feel like eating an fish dish at the restaurant table but the fish cannot be eaten and the action can call another image, which can be recalled in the relation with the flesh and eating, and the action can be the puzzle game. I want to make a diverse input to the art work. usually interactive work uses the mouse and keyboard but this work considers a natural input ways. The circuit and sensor should be hidden under the table and the display need to be similar to the dinner table.

Making methodology : Max/Jitter (using alpha mask, multiply), Pysical Computing ( BX24, Qprox sensor(QT113))





disgram of a circuit


BX24 code for director display

director file

(Serial Xtras (for Window) from

(Serial Xtras (for Mac) from


BX24 code for MIDI display

midi patch file


data note
Qprox1 = getADC(13)--fragment 6
Qprox2 = getADC(14)--fragment 5
Qprox3 = getADC(15)--fragment 1
Qprox4 = getADC(16)--fragment 2
Qprox5 = getADC(17)--fragment 7
Qprox6 = getADC(18)--fragment 8
Qprox7 = getADC(19)--fragment 3
Qprox8 = getADC(20)--fragment 4


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